Vlad Macelaru
Vlad Macelaru (26) is a business and management graduate in the Netherlands and Japan,rnwith over 6 years of experience in international sales and supply chain development. Withrnnotable international experience and passion for technology and education, he formed thernteam behind ClarK, winning several international awards for innovation and socialrnefforts, such as being included in the Forbes 30 Under 30 List in Romania.
ClarK Vision
ClarK produces augmented reality headsets that improve productivity and safety across industries. The main challenges faced by Romanian and also European manufacturers are:rn- Difficulty in training new employeesrn- Hardship in finding skilled workersrn- Demographic decline (severe in Romania)rn- A large number of foreign investors and opportunities for SMEsrn- Lack of transport infrastructurern- Prediction of an increased number of immigrants, coming with different backgrounds andrnskill levels, amplified by language barriers. Technology brings opportunities tornhomogenise the workforce, especially through augmented reality and simulations.rnWe increase the client's profitability by using an ecosystem affordable for SMEs, composedrnof our AR smart glasses, accessible middleware, and hybrid logistics automation.rn