Jean-Rémy Chardonnet
Jean-Rémy Chardonnet is an associate professor habil. (HDR) at Arts et Métiers Institute of Technology in France since 2011. He is with Institut Image, a pioneering research lab in VR in France since its creation in 1997. Jean-Rémy does research in VR since 2009, with a strong focus on intuitive and personalized interaction in VR, from both a hardware and a human factor perspectives. He is strongly involved in industrial projects as well, pushing the use of VR in many applicative fields.
Arts et Métiers Institute of Technology (ENSAM)
Research lab with a 400 m2 facility room including a 5-sided 4K CAVE, a dynamic driving simulator, HMDs, multi-sensory feedback devices. A development team supports research by innovation.
Rue Thomas Dumorey 2 71100 Chalon-sur-Saône France Visit the websiteMembers of the XR community