Calogero Oddo

Calogero Oddo

Professor, Assistant Professor Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna - The BioRobotics Institute, Italy

I was born in 1983 and I currently serve as Tenure-Track Assistant Professor of Bioengineering at Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna (SSSA), Pisa, and head of the Neuro-Robotic Touch Laboratory at The BioRobotics Institute, coordinating a team of 19 research fellows. In 2017 I obtained the national scientific habilitation to serve as Associate Professor of Bioengineering. I am currently supervisor or tutor of 6 PhD students in biorobotics, I was the supervisor or tutor of 7 PhD students who graduated with honors in biorobotics, and of several BSc and MSc Theses on bioengineering topics.rnI obtained, all with honours: PhD in BioRobotics from SSSA (graduated in May 2011, admitted in Jan 2008 1st in the ranking of candidates to the BioRobotics programme), MSc and BSc in Electronic Eng from University of Pisa (in July 2007 and July 2005, respectively, 1st student graduating in the MSc and BSc courses), 2nd and 1st level degrees in Industrial and Information Engineering from SSSA (admitted in Sept 2002 to a selective honors programme with 10 positions and 334 applicants, confirmed in 2005 as 1st in the ranking of SSSA honors students in engineering). In 2010 I spent a visiting research period at the Dept of Physiology of University of Gothenburg. In 2005 I attended courses, with maximum marks, on eBusiness in the digital age at the London School of Economics.rnMy main research interests are in the Neuro-Robotics Area: specific research topics include implantable medical devices, cybernetic prostheses and biomechatronic systems, tactile sensing and artificial skin, human touch neurophysiology, neuromorphic engineering, tactile sensors for safe human machine integration in the workplace. I have a growing track record in integrating biorobotics and neuroscience with a particular focus on science of touch sense and its artificial engineering, and in this field I am co-authoring high-impact publications indexed in Q1 of Scimago categories. I have H-index 18 in Scopus and 20 in Google Scholar, with 490+ citations per year, steadily increasing. I authored 38 journal publications (21 without PhD supervisor): 16 papers were as a main (1st or 2nd) author and 9 as a senior last author. I have 1 granted international patent, 4 granted national patents and 4 patent applications pending.rnI am also paying high attention to disseminating research results to the general public: my studies on touch restoration for hand neuroprosthetics have been featured by several international and national media such as BBC, Fox News, Rai 2, Rai 3, Scientific American, National Geographic, La Repubblica, ANSA, Daily Mail.rnI have a growing portfolio of successful research grants and I am or was PI or co-PI within 2 EU-FP7 projects (Nanobiotouch; NEBIAS), 2 EU-H2020 project (Endoo, NeuHeart), 2 bilateral projects (Italy-Sweden on touch neurophysiology; Italy-Serbia on tactile sensing for Industry4.0), 6 National projects (INAIL MOTU; INAIL SENSE-RISC; HandBot PRIN; NEMESIS; PARLOMA; Intelligent Factory National Cluster), 4 Regional Projects (project manager of CENTAURO; EOLO; IMEROS; FID-U4E).rnSo far, 36 years old, I had responsibility on 4 M€+ research funds secured after application to competitive calls.rnI gave invited lectures in leading Universities such as EPFL, Lund University, UPMC in Paris, SISSA in Trieste, Politecnico di Torino, and in international workshops in Europe, USA, India, Japan and China.rnSince Feb 2016 up to Jan 2017 I served as Senior Advisor within the activities of the H2020 FET Flagships Interim Evaluation Panel. In 2018-19 I served as a member of the Advisory Board of the EFFECT EU project, that supports H2020-FET projects in their communication activities to increase their influence and impact among society, policy makers and stakeholders.rnI regularly serve as a reviewer for international conferences, and for more than 30 international scientific journals. I was appointed to serve as a reviewer for grant proposals presented within the within the OPUS and PRELUDIUM calls in Poland, within the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD), within the Regenerative Medicine Initiative of the Britain Israel Research and Academic Exchange (BIRAX) Partnership. I am member of the editorial board of Journal of Sensors (Hindawi), guest editor of 2 research topics in Frontiers journals, and member of the editorial board as review editor of Frontiers in Neurorobotics and in Bionics and Biomimetics journals. I served as co-organizer and finance chair of the International Conference on Neurorehabilitation 2018, of the International Symposium on Wearable Robotics 2018 and of the Inclusive Robotics for a better Society Conference 2018. I served as associate editor of IEEE BioRob (2016-18) and IROS (2018-19) conferences, and as program committee member of NEUROTECHNIX 2013 and of TAROS 2012-2013.rnIn 2006 I was awarded by the SSSA Alumni Association with the BioRobotics prize for my BSc thesis, I was finalist for the Best Student Paper Award at IEEE RoBio 2009, in 2011 I was the recipient of the Working Capital award with the SensAlone project, funded by Telecom Italia company (30 awarded, 2133 applicants), and in 2012 I was finalist in the “Georges Giralt PhD Award”, the most important European PhD award in robotics, organized by EURON, the “EUropean RObotics research Network”. In 2016 I was awarded by the “In onore dell'Italia che ci onora” prize at the Accademia dei Georgofili in Florence.

Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna - The BioRobotics Institute

Public university


Viale Rinaldo Piaggio 34 56025 Pontedera (PISA) Italy
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