Zoran Pučko
Zoran Pučko is Assistant Professor Ph.D. ( https://www.fgpa.um.si/) and research interests involve issues on Building Information Modelling (BIM), Automation in Construction, Point cloud data acquisition, Scan-vs-BIM and Scan-to-BIM, tracking-localization and mapping, sensing technology, Virtual reality (VR), Augmented reality (AR), Mixed reality (MR) and Extended reality (XR) as well as other highly advanced technologies 4.0 and 5.0 for the AEC industry with strategies of smart specialization.
University of Maribor, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Transportation Engineering and Architecture
The Faculty of Civil Engineering, Transportation Engineering and Architecture at the University of Maribor strives to create, develop and expand engineering know-how in the field of civil engineering, architecture and traffic engineering and transfer it in the best way possible to our students and to the profession, thus enriching to our students and to the profession, thus enriching the lives and creative work of our graduates and of the economy. Moreover, the Faculty of Civil Engineering, Transportation Engineering and Architecture pursues the goal to carry out its scientific and research activity in a manner that would contribute to the global treasury of knowledge at an international scale and that would be reflected in innovative design and learning which are fundamental for the progress of society in the field of our activity.
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