Stephane Bouchard
He holds the Canada research Chair in Clinical Cyberpsychology and teaches cyberpsychology and psychotherapy at the Université du Québec en Outaouais. As a scientist-practitioner, his research shows an important preoccupation towards conducting both meaningful clinical applications of cyberpsychology and rigorous science to treat anxiety and other mental disorders. His research lab hosts Psyche, a six-sided total immersion virtual reality system dedicated to mental health research.
Université du Québec en Outaouais
Stéphane Bouchard conducts research projects involve developing virtual environments to treat complex anxiety disorders and pathological gambling, leading randomized control trials on the efficacy of in virtuo exposure for anxiety disorders, and conducting experimental studies to understand why virtual reality is an effective treatment tool. Another prolific area of expertise is telepsychotherapy, where he conducts randomized control trials and processes studies on the efficacy of delivering cognitive-behavior therapy in videoconference. He has received for more than 12 million dollars in infrastructure and research grants and he has published more than 150 scientific articles and book chapters and delivered hundreds of scientific communications around the world. He is also the president of In Virtuo, a spin-off company that commercially distributes VR environments worldwide and offers consulting and development services.
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