In 2015 I founded La Jetèe S.r.l. a interactive storytelling studio. I writes and directs interactive documentaries and interacrive installations. I’m a consultant in Narrative Design for Digital and Interactive Storytelling products for IT Department of University of Pisa and for Fondazione Sistema Toscana a in house foundation of Regione Toscana. As a teacher and evangelist I currently collaborates with IED Florence, Polimoda Firenze, Formodena - Modena.
La Jetee
La Jetèe S.r.l. born to tell stories with new technologies, that activity that today, in its many facets, goes under the name of digital and interactive storytelling. Augmented reality, virtual reality, artificial intelligence, generative design at the service of narration and communication.rnThe Jetèe blends typical elements of the design and production society with those of software companies, because we want to model software based on stories.rnWe create products that rethink the relationship between client, author and public. This last one is central in the creation of our products that, in the novelty of the field, take on many names. Web documentary, idoc, digital narrative, interactive installations etc ... In summary we mix typically humanistic knowledge such as literature, cinema, photography, with computer science such as computational design and pyshical computing.rn