Andrea Gómez Oliva
She is the head of the communication and impact unit, she holds anrnAudiovisual Communications degree and she has strong experience in designrnand media content production. She holds a Master in Marketing and a PhD inrnCommunication / Marketing, where the PhD thesis is about Internet of Thingsrnuses for Marketing and Physical Web. Andrea is focused on the impactrndevelopment, dissemination, and support for impact and design of the mediarncontent, support for tutorials and brochures. She is leading the
HOP Ubiquitous
As a Spanish CCIS dedicated to the sector of urban places, focused on the use of the New Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) to enhance the communications among the citizens/visitors with the territories, they design innovative Smart Cities. This SME has a long experience working on international projects focused on the people, creating agile communication channels, serious games and new media content that evolve the citizen participation, disseminating the immaterial heritage of cities and improving the public awareness of the environment with the use of different devices and tools. From the company's catalog it should be highlighted Be-Memories, a Smart Destination tool which disseminates popular stories recorded by citizens about their streets, thanks to the IoT technology.
Luis Buñuel 6 30562 Ceuti, Murcia Spain Visit the websiteMembers of the XR community