Maciej Glowiak
Maciej Glowiak is Head of New Media Department and Interactive Television team at PSNC. He is also scientific research manager for R&D projects, both software and hardware. He graduated Poznan University of Technology in 2003 and since then he is involved into research projects in FP6, FP7, H2020 and other programmes. He was involved in i.a. VISIONAIR, IMMERSIA TV and now he coordinates IMMERSIFY project. His area of interest is UHD/8K, streaming, capture devices, 360/VR video, steroscopy/3D,etc
Poznan Supercomputing and Networking Center
PSNC develops a wide variety of technologies and products related to visualisation, CAVE, 8K, 3D, 360/VR, cameras, electronics design as well as applications in these areas. We have scientific laboratories for content creation (HD/4K, 360 rigs, 8K cameras, drones, underwater cameras, OB-VAN, etc.), scientific interactive television, streaming (PSNC is Polish NREN and the operator of backbone network PIONIER), gesture recognition, motion capture, laser scanning, immersive audio, clusters and HPC, video editing rendering among others. PSNC is also involved into collaboration with artists in STARTS residencies as well as other programmes.
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