Vladimir Ufnarovskii
Vladimir Ufnarovskii is co-founder of Augmented.City and project manager for the OARC testbed in Bari, Italy. Vladimir has 25 years of experience in IT, since 2006 is focusing on Computer Vision and created three successful start-ups.rnThe AR and GeoPose technology behind Augmented.City is developed by a multi-national team of 50+ researchers and programmers that joined Vladimir in his new start-up. rnVladimir holds an M.Sc degree in Computer Science from Saint-Petersburg State University.
We have created the the technology that allows to quickly and cheaply map big spaces (city scale) using the usual mobile phones and generate a high quality AR Cloud of the cities. One square km of a city can be mapped in less than 24 hours by one person.rnrnWith the AR Cloud available, our technology allows for the visual-only real-time localization by a single frame with a centimetre precision. All processing is done on server - no need to download point cloud to the device. rnrnWe also offer the SDK so anyone can expand the AR Cloud and benefit from the precise localization in it.
viale Volga 26 70132 Bari Italy Visit the websiteMembers of the XR community