Martin Courchesne
From simulating cloth and hair as a research assistant at university of Geneva, to creating a collection of physics-based engines for use in video games, he then spent 10 years at CM-Labs simulations where he was a major contributor to the Vortex engine. He then founded Simwat simulations pursuing his effort on improving physics simulation engines applied to different fields. He joined the Interactive Simulation group at the CEA-LIST as a research engineer working on VR-based simulation.
The CEA, based on its strong research background providing decades of research and knowledge in the field of Virtual and Augmented Reality and realistic interactive simulation will provide its mature and advanced technology in order to support the ReachIT project.rnThe CEA will contribute to the project in order to offer realistic prototyping and training platform and augmented reality display providing accurate and useful superposition of measuring tool data overlayed over the camera image for optimal efficiency of visual inspection of the scene. CEA strong experience on industrial technology development will also be provide its return on experience concerning heavy industry work and technology development in harsh environment.
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