Marie Blondiaux
Marie Blondiaux is producer in Red Corner for 4 years. She obtained 3 master degrees of rnSciences-Po Paris and La Sorbonne (Comparative literature and Audiovisuel Law). She rnworked for the French national Board for Books, the Ministry of Culture, BBC Worldwide rnbefore joining Capa Agency as film and digital projects manager. She produced or rncoproduced the Web and VR experiences : Phi, Wanted 18, Le dernier Gaulois, Radioactivity, rnAnimals and us, SENS VR and 7 lives.
Red Corner
Red Corner is an interactive production company, founded by film producers to rnmutualise a real know how in conception of innovative contents, linked to their films or rnonly digital. Websites, movie and games in virtual reality, all of our projects gather the rnbest creators and developers around meaningful and emotional contents. Driven by rnMarie Blondiaux, the company has namely produced or coproduced : Phi, The Wanted rn18, Le Dernier Gaulois, Radioactivity, Pas si Bêtes, SENS VR and 7 lives.
rue du Moulin Joly 14 75011 Paris France Visit the websiteMembers of the XR community