Jože Guna
Dr. Jože Guna is an Assistant Professor at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, University of Ljubljana. His area of research focuses on Internet technologies, multimedia technologies, modalities and designing the user experience, VR/AR/MR technologies, including gamification. He is a senior member of the IEEE organization and IEEE Slovenia Section Secretary General. He is a co-founder of the Slovenian XR hub and a technical lead of the first XR lab at Ljubljana Technology Park.
University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Laboratory for Multimedia
Laboratory for Multimedia (LMMFE) performs research, development and implementation activities related to the multimedia study programmes, as well as to various national and European research and applicative projects. We have modern equipment, video and audio studio and experts in producing multimedia content as well as applications. LMMFE is specialized in user-centered and interaction design, and evaluation of future ICT applications, such as interactive television, e-health solutions, e-learning environments and serious games, and VR/AR/MR applications. LMMFE utilizes an iterative design process by actively involving users and other stakeholders in participatory and user-centered design, mapping the context, creating prototypes and evaluating the usability and user experience.
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