Jean-Michel Demoulin
Jean-Michel is CEO of iELLOW, a digital tranformation hub for industry 4.0 focusing on AR/VR. He gained 20+yrs of EMEA experience in digital innovation and transformation leadership roles in strategy, busdev and consulting with Cisco, Scientific-Atlanta and Sony as General Manager of Sony NetServices in 2001. Previously he worked for the B2Build start-up in Paris and for Accentue in Luxembourg. rnHe holds an MSc in Civil Engineering from ULg and a degree in Business Administration from LMS/UCL.
iELLOW is a Center of Excellence to accelerate the adoption by enterprises of services enabled by virtual and augmented reality technologies in the digital transformation journey towards industry 4.0 rniELLOW is offering development Labs capabilities and competencies to drive AR/VR projects and PoC, trainings and demonstration facilities enabling the growth of a unique ecosytem mixing enterprises, start-ups and universities partnerships.
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