Arnaud Bosteels
I am a Belgian anaesthetist and I created a VR unit in my hospital. I ma using VR to treat pain, anxiety and for digital sedation. My goal is on one hand to make Medical VR popular because I believe it is a safe, easy and cheap technic to help many patients. There is however a need to collect clinical data to prove it's efficacy and that's my second goal.
Clinique Saint-Jean Bruxelles
The Medical Virtual reality Unit is a unique concept in a hospital. I am proposing VR to the patients who are anxious, who are in pain and who need a sedation. There are , at this moment, 10 departments involved. Every department has clear clinical guidelines to whom they can propose VR. Also every user has had a training session to guarantee and optimal use of the VR experience. We have included a reporting system that allows to improve where needed and can be a starting point to organise clinical trials. The idea is to be able to propose VR to as many patients as possible.
Boulevard du jardin botanique 32 1000 Bruxelles Belgium Visit the websiteMembers of the XR community