Torsten Fell
With over 20 years of experience in companies, in which he headed training and further education or business transformation departments, he has been dealing with the topics of virtual and augmented reality (VR / AR) in the learning environment for 4 years / Training and business. He founded the Institute for Immersive Learning in 2019 and today advises vendor-neutral companies on the identification of fields of application, the introduction and implementation of experience. Furthermore, today he
Institute for Immersive Learning
The Institute for Immersive Learning has the following main areas of work:rn1. Networking people and competencesrn2. Communicate news, trends and practical examplesrn3. Perform events / workshopsrn4. Create and set quality standards / requirements in learning/trainingrnrnOwn Immersive Learning Congress (http://www.learnext.space), Webinars, Podcasts, Online News Magazine (http://www.immersivelearning.news), Roundtable VR / AR Corporate Learning, Immersive Learning Academy (Digital Reality Trainer certification, Digital Reality Learning Architect. ..), Immersive Learning Community (http://community.immersivelearning.institute), studies, whitepapers, glossary, blog, infographics, certifications of content, people and learning spaces (VR / AR-Labs) ...