Stefano Baraldi
I am a researcher and entrepreneur in HCI, investigating on the theme of interaction between Humans and augmented spaces, supporting social and collaborative contexts though natural interfaces.rnSenior developer of realtime graphics applications (20+ years), from 2004 i am focusing on Natural User Interfaces, Projection Mapping, Mixed Reality, Multi-Touch technologies researching, developing and marketing my solutions through my company.
TABULA Natural Interfaces Srl
TABULA Natural Interfaces Srl, a company specialized in Natural User Interfaces, Projection Mapping and Touch Technologies.rnOur specialty is creating natural user experiences leveraging new augmented reality, multi-touch, large screen and immersive technologies.rnWe directed several interactive exhibition projects, museums and shows, created workshops and lectured in courses about Interactivity and projection mapping.rnWe develop and distribute:rn- FaçadeSignage. one of the most intuitive projection mapping applicationsrn- TouchTop: a large-screen multi-touch environment for collaboration, training and lecturingrn- TouchMyBrand: multiple sensing and visualization technology for immersive media environments.
Via Cento 5b 40017 S.Giovanni in Persiceto Italy Visit the websiteMembers of the XR community