Roberto Fazio
Roberto Fazio is Interactive Creative Director, Creative Coder and Educator. rnHis artistic career is focusing on digital experimentation, and combining his skills as a designer and developer, ranging from visual design to the computational art. Roberto started programming at the age 12 on Commodore 64/128 with a deep interest in hacking small electronic tools and in the invention of customized hardware.
Studio RF is an Interaction Design Studio focused on enhancing the Human-Machine Communication and Interaction. We create interactive data-driven experience, digital installations and interactive environment that blur the boundaries between art, science, technology & emotions. Our team of Artists, Designers, Creative Coders and Developers is prepared to design and realise interactive and generative experiences, from the early concept stage all the way to the final result.
Via Aretina 161 50136 Firenze Italy Visit the websiteMembers of the XR community