Jesus Garrido
Leading interactive projects & exploring new business models through Virtual Reality to transform Enterprise processes in Engineering, Industry, health, energy, education & defense sectors. +10 year Experience
VIROO VR Innovation Tool - https://www.virtualwareco.com/immersive-room/rnrnThe All in one VR Tool.rnrnCREATE: It facilitates the development of content with the following objectives:rnEnsures scalability autonomy to generate contentrnReduces the need for specialized profiles less cost in content generationrnAllows your organization or any entity to develop content and upload it to the platformrnrnMANAGE: Store content in the cloud:rnCloud-based accessible from any location, different access profiles and content usage logrnrnDEPLOY: Allows VR content to be consumed in different formats. Access to sessions created with VIROO® content from different locations and environments:rnLarge-scale Immersive RoomsrnCommercial VR Headsets (single user)rnDekstop Computers & Laptops
C/Usausuaga 7 48970 Vizcaya Spain Visit the websiteMembers of the XR community