Jean-Pierre SNYERS
Communication expert (IHECS): medical, social, politic, advertisingrnPost graduate CEPAC (Solvay)rnCommunication agencies founder: MGA, Grafic & Communication, Snyers SArnCommunication & Events consultant for Responsible Young Driversrn
iKids, Play & Grow
Keshi is a mobile video game app in AR, intuitive, autonomous, intended for mass distribution targeting all social classes, the least favoured being the most threatened by overweight.rnThe innovation lies in a new psycho-pedagogical approach that we call "Inductive" which aims to create reflexes rather than knowledge, inspired by alternative pedagogies (Montessori, Steiner) and the effectiveness of digital simulators, and which allows a wider distribution as a game (non-educational, but useful) than the few competing games and traditional health information campaigns that do not use the dominant media for children: video games.
rur des bégonias 24 1640 Rhode St Genése Belgium Visit the websiteMembers of the XR community