Gauthier Lafruit

Gauthier Lafruit

Professor, Professor Light Field Technologies and Virtual Reality Université Libre de Bruxelles, Belgium

Prof. Gauthier Lafruit has worked for 25 years in the domain of visual data analysis and compression, participating to compression standardization committees. In 2014, he joined the LISA department - Laboratories of Image Synthesis and Analysis - of l'Université Libre de Bruxelles, the French wing of Brussels University. In 2018, LISA's Virtual Reality research unit - LISA-VR - has actively contributed to part of the immersive video reference software used in MPEG for the 2020 MIV standard.

Université Libre de Bruxelles

LISA's Virtual Reality research unit studies real-time video processing technologies covering many aspects of volumetric imaging, including depth estimation/sensing, view synthesis, light field acquisition, compression and rendering, as well as digital holography.


Av. F.D. Roosevelt 50 CP165/57 1050 Brussels Belgium
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