Florian LARRUE
Doctor in Cognitive Sciences - Cognitic Engineer - R&D Engineer Expert Human FactorsrnThesis topic: Influence of interfaces in the transfer of spatial knowledge from virtual to realrnCourse/Expertise: 16 years old (public research and private companies)rnImmersive technologies (Virtual Reality, Augmented, Mixed) related to the human, Cognitive Sciences, Virtual/real knowledge transfer, Human Machine Interactions, User Tests, Human Factors, Agile methods, Real-time 3D Development, Project managemen
Centre Aquitain des Technologies de l'Information et Electroniques (CATIE)
Created in 2014 and supported by the Nouvelle-Aquitaine region, CATIE (Centre Aquitain des Technologies de l’Information et Electroniques) is a technology transfer center specialized in digital technology, whose mission is to support SMEs and intermediate size companies in their transformation, through awareness-raising, and to help them embracing and integrating technologies. The CATIE proposes a multidisciplinary approach based on three main areas: human factors and cognition, computer science (and "bigdata" in particular) and artificial intelligence, and cyber-physical systems.rnComing from the cognitive sciences and the human and social sciences, research engineers and doctors aim to take into account the human (needs, characteristics, experiences, ...) in the context of innovative projects of our clients, on the basis of scientific methods combining data (qualitative, quantitative, questionnaires, physiological signals, etc.) from users and digital tools (AR, VR, etc.)
rue du docteur Schweitzer 1 33400 TALENCE France Visit the websiteMembers of the XR community