Benjamin de Wit
Benjamin de Wit is co-founder and Festival Director of VRDays Europe (since 2015). He worked in theatre and digital media before founding the VRDays event on the development of immersive technologies in business, science and the arts. With conferences, a trade show and the Immersive Funding Market, VRDays aims to unite the XR community, to inspire creative minds and to drive business forward.
VRDays Europe
VRDays Europe (2015) is an event focusing on the impact and transformative power of immersive technologies in business, science and the arts. For the 7th edition, VRDays Europe is introducing a sustainable, decentralized event model: Immersive Tech Week, November 13-17 in and from Amsterdam. Immersive Tech Week is five days of inspiration, discussions, co-creation, experiences and networking. For the general public and for professionals. Local and global.
Kattenburgerstraat 5 1016AB Amsterdam Netherlands Visit the websiteMembers of the XR community