Achim Schneider
Today I live my dream of independence. And the eternal motto "Passion never fails".rnrnAs co-founder and managing director of R3DT, I face a variety of tasks in Marketing/PR and in leadership. I am responsible for finances, human resources and legal issues.rnrnEquipped with a degree in business administration, I first made my hobby, journalism, my profession and became a PR manager. For 20 years I worked for world-famous companies like Porsche, Bosch, Infineon, MTU and Jenoptik.
R3DT offers the most user-friendly Virtual Reality (VR) tool for industrial engineering. The innovative technology for working with virtual prototypes is used along the entire development process. Particular attention is paid to planning errors that are difficult to identify without VR. Our customers’ applications include work and assembly planning, ergonomics study, determination of assembly sequences, overall production and layout planning, special machinery and plant construction as well as technical purchasing and sales. Overall, the development and planning phases are shortened. Elaborate mockups and real prototypes become superfluous. The bottom line is that companies save a lot of time and money.rnrnR3DT’s VR tool is started and operated by users themselves, anywhere and at any time within a few minutes. So, anyone can automatically generate virtual prototypes from 3D CAD data at the push of a button and work in VR with their bare hands (instead of annoying controllers).
Haid-und-Neu-Str. 7 76131 Karlsruhe Germany Visit the websiteMembers of the XR community