Sandro Menegatti
Component of a research group working on VR AR and XR as Institute of Intelligent Industrial Technologies and Systems for Advanced Manufacturing of National Research Council of Italy. Charged for technology and knowledge transfer and outreach to industrial sector. Partecipating in EU financing programs as Horizon 2020. Communication and quality assurance for networking systems.
S.T.I.I.M.A. Institute of Intelligent Industrial Technologies and Systems for Advanced Manufacturing - National Research Council of Italy
STIIMA carries out research activity in the following areas:rnCoevolution of products, processes and systems for producing the products of the futurernCircular Economy for sustainability of manufacturing productionrnInclusive production aiming at enhancing knowledge and innovativeness which characterize manrnManufacturing technologies at both micro- and macro levels and their interaction with materialsrnConception and carrying out of capital goods, automation, robots, integrated systemsrnCyber-physical systems: networks of sensors and vision systems, data fusion, real-time elaboration of signs, planning and control of automated devices also by means of artificial intelligence techniquesrnNew business models and industrial ecosystems, sustainability.