Rigmor Baraas
Rigmor C. Baraas has a PhD in visual neuroscience and a post doc in computational neuroscience from the University of Manchester, UK. She is a professor at the University of South-Eastern Norway (USN) working on aspects of the eye and visual perception including understanding its implications for effective utilisation of AR/VR. She is the team leader of USN I-merse Research Group https://www.usn.no/i-merse/ and she recently co-hosted the first OSA Incubator on Visual Perception in AR/VR.
University of South-Eastern Norway
The University of South-Eastern Norway (USN) is a multi-campus institution with regional roots and eight campus locations in Buskerud, Vestfold and Telemark, which are Norway’s most exciting and dynamic regions. This multi-campus concept is a key part of USN’s profile. Through professional and industry-oriented education and research, USN contributes to the development of a sustainable knowledge society. USN promotes education and critical thinking and teaches students to take responsibility in global society. USN is an internationally oriented, regionally based and entrepreneurial university of high international quality with a strong work community, and with society and industry as close collaborative partners. USN has approximately 18,000 students and 1,600 staff.rn
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