Piotr Pawalowski
Piotr Pawałowski is the CTO of medVC. He is a researcher, design thinker and entrepreneur with over 15 years of experience in the area of ICT. His interests focus on telemedicine, Future Internet, video streaming and videoconferencing services and multimedia technologies. He has taken active part in many national and international research projects including XIFI, SmartAgriFood2, Future Internet Engineering, PLATON, GÉANT3, HIPERMED, EXPERIMEDIA, TEFIS, Fed4FIRE, MITSU.
medVC.eu sp. z o.o.
medVC is a remote collaboration tool for medical professionals allowing real-time audio-video communication and the usage of specialised medical services. It is designed to be installed in operating rooms, conference rooms and doctors’ offices and makes it possible to send multiple High Definition (HD) video streams coming from cameras, microscopes, endoscopes and other medical equipment. The doctors have the possibility to pause video streams, mark areas of the picture, save snapshots of the image to a medical repository, collaboratively work on DICOM images, record and stream a video collaboration session. Furthermore, medVC is capable of transmitting stereoscopic (3D) video coming from cutting edge medical devices. All the above mentioned features make medVC a superb remote collaboration, consultation and education tool for medicine. It is being used in many hospitals and medical universities around Europe, including: Poland, Austria, Germany, France, the Netherlands, Spain, Italy
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