Oliver D'Adda
Oliver D'Adda is a chartered physiotherapist and VR developer.rnAs a PT, he has focused especially on the areas of telerehabilitation research, robotics, and hydrokinetic therapy at the Don Gnocchi Clinic, in particular regarding neurological issues.rnrnHe has founded XRehab and has developed VR Kinesis, a VR app for rehabilitation, exergaming and accessibility for fitness in VR. He is part of the Medical XR Advisory Council at XRSI, and host for the RH1 Podcast "Singularity Watch". rnrn
VR Kinesis is a software for rehabilitation aimed ad turning repetitive task training for patients into an engaging, adaptable, challenging, and measureable experience. rnrnThis approach:rn- helps to fill in a void that we often see after a patient's treatment cycle is over, where activity levels often drop.rn- can also be used as prehabilitation (before an operation), to maintain general strength and cardiovascular health. rn- can be used as an accessible and customizeable fitness regime for people with an impairment, health problem or otherwise lower functional capacity who might even have difficulty leaving their home for excercise activities. rnThis last concept can be thought of as a immersive-age update to "Adapted Physical Activity" which dates back to the 1970s. rnrnWe have completed a first MVP with one exergame focusing on ADLs such as lower limb weight transfer and reaching. rnThe software, running on Oculus Quest, will later be ported to SteamVR and AR.
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