PhD in computer science, expert in IT and Business development with experience in Big Data, AI, IoT, VR before they became trends. Years of experience successfully connecting science and IT-projects, Adviser to the Minister of Economy (Belarus), Deputy Director international IT company, Founder & CEO Consulting Group, Supervisor of PhD researchers, author of multiple IT-products and over 80 scientific papers and articles.
SMARTYMED XR Telehealth and Surgery Training Platform enriched with Haptics and 3D printing. SMARTYMED platform - Uncover new XR medical possibilities, that include Full-cycle product (training, patient education, surgery execution, telesurgery). SMARTYMED is an XR (AR/MR+haptics) surgery solution for doctors and students, which allows them to visualize CT/MRI data in holograms with haptics effect, position it on the patients (3D printing or maniquenues). Surgeons and students have personal accounts and connect with each other via Telehealth and Training platform for teleconsultation, telesurgery, and surgeon and student Trainings using Microsoft glasses Hololens. Augmented and Mixed Reality HoloLens App Surgery Training aimed for training purposes and planning surgeries simulations with unlimited time of training on a mannequin, alone or remotely.
Old Gloucester Street 27 WC 1N 3AX LONDON United Kingdom Visit the websiteMembers of the XR community