Alberto Gallace

Alberto Gallace

Professor, professor of Psychobiology University of Milano Bicocca - MibTec Research Center, Italy

I'm a cognitive neuroscientist. My work helps to design and market products, food, technologies and services that attract our senses and emotions. My research investigates the cognitive and neural correlates of sensory processing (vision, audition, touch, proprioception, taste, pain) and multisensory integration in real and mediated environments (human-machine interfaces, AR and VR). Currently I am the director of MibTec (Mind and Behavior Technological Center).

University of Milano Bicocca - MibTec Research Center

Founded in 2018 thanks to specific funding for universities, the MIBTEC represents a high-level research center gathering academics from the human-based and technological areas with a keen interest in Virtual Reality, Augmented Reality and Mixed Reality (VR/AR/MR). We are psychologists, technologists, researchers and students; all professionals with the awareness of the benefits that a transformative experience can bring to people’s lives. We have 2 interactive VR CAVEs (3x3x2.5m) , Oculus & HTC technologies, Cyberith Virtualizer, full body Optitrack motion capture, Arduino boards, high performance multicore workstations. Simulations and interactive enviroments can be used to study the effects of novel situations, procedures, and information on users/consumers.


piazza dell'ateneo nuovo 1 20126 Milan Italy
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