SIG 10

VR/AR for Learning and Training


Ekaterina Prasolova-Førland (Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Norway)


Immersive technologies (VR/AR/MR) have recently had an explosive development, opening broad opportunities in the context of education and training. As learning environments, these technologies afford immersive, adaptive and explorative learning spaces, well suited for developing high-impact pedagogies. A successful adoption of these technologies for educational purposes requires not only affordable and high-quality hardware, but also solid pedagogical methodology and cross-disciplinary collaboration between different stakeholders, subject matter experts, educators, learners and developers.

This XR4ALL Special Interest Group (SIG) focuses on technologies, methodologies and pedagogies behind immersive learning and training in a wide range of contexts, from K-12 to professional training. This SIG is therefore highly cross-disciplinary and invites members from both technology and humanities/social science backgrounds. The members of this SIG investigate how to design and develop successful VR/AR educational solutions, integrate these solutions into existing educational practices and evaluate the impact and learning effect.

Members of the SIG will get frequent updates on the current status of educational VR/AR. Members are to form networks and strategic partnerships that promote and accelerate the development of VR/AR technologies and applications for learning and training and the associated business and research infrastructure. Members will also form consortia to apply for European and national funding.

Other goals of this SIG include broad dissemination of research findings and projects, showcases of use cases and best practices, and initiatives to promote adoption of immersive educational technologies at schools, universities, industry and public sector, in a continuous dialog with policy makers and stakeholders.

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