Thomas Aichinger

Thomas Aichinger

CEO, Spatial Audio Designer scopeaudio, Austria

Thomas studied Media Arts at the University of applied science in Salzburg, Austria. After working in several recording studios all over Europe he founded scopeaudio in 2010 - a studio which focuses on immersive spatial audio design and post production. He is also a co-founder of SONIC TRACES, a locatio based AR audio App which will be released in March.


scopeaudio is a creative sound design agency offering audio production and post-production services, immersive sound & spatial audio solutions for 360 video content, interactive VR/AR media and intelligent audio branding.rnrnThe reputation of scopeaudio is built on an unsurpassed ability to meet the demands of production companies, advertising agencies and musicians – from fine arts, entertainment and publishing, to new media, consumer products and public service.rnrnWe focus on providing individual solutions instead of every day products. Our clients play a large role in the creation of the most suitable concept for their production needs.rnrnLocated in Vienna’s 4th district, the studio was founded 2010 by Florian Widhalm and Thomas Aichinger. Both, Thomas and Florian take pride in being musicians and enthusiastic gamers whose comprehension of audio is not just limited to an engineers point of view.


Schlüsselgasse 3 1040 Wien Austria
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